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Thank you for your interest in New Mexico International School!

The New Mexico International School is a locally-authorized free public charter school. Like all charter schools in New Mexico, admission to the school is granted based on a lottery system.

Current Year 2024-25

Join the Waitlist!

Please use this link to create an account and be be added to our wait list for the current 2024-25 school year.  As soon as a spot becomes available our registrar will contact you.  There are currently spaces available in the following grades: no spots available at the moment

Next Year 2025-26

Registration Info

New Mexico International School’s registration process begins each year in January/February and ends in April with our lottery. Registration information will be updated in January/February for the upcoming school year.

NMIS Lottery

Please check back In January/February for more information on Information Sessions, School Tours and Lottery for the 2025-26 school year.

Contact our Registrar

Email:  Phone: 505-503-7670 x150

Is a bilingual immersion school

a good fit for your child?

Is my child a good fit for NMIS?

Below are some samples of what students entering these grades would be likely to ready.

Can your child read and translate them?


Este es un gatito.

Yo abro la puerta. Tú la cierras.

All kinder age students will be a good fit for NMIS. 

First Grade

Las abejas son pequeñas, pero hacen un trabajo enorme.

Studies show students entering 1st Grade may have success if able to read this passage. 

Second Grade

Ven y viaja alrededor del mundo para buscar amigos y conocer nuevos lugares.

Studies show students entering 2nd Grade may have success if able to read this passage. 

Third Grade

Nacida en 1907, Frida Kahlo una artista mexicana, siempre fue una persona fuerte e independiente.

Studies show students entering 3rd Grade may have success if able to read this passage. 

Fourth Grade

El agua subterránea representa una fracción importante de la masa de agua presente en los continentes, bajo la superficie de la tierra, tanto en el suelo como en el subsuelo.

Studies show students entering 4th Grade may have success if able to read this passage. 

Fifth Grade

Arrecifes antiguos enterrados dentro de secciones estratigráficas son de gran interés para los geólogos porque proporcionan información paleo-ambiental sobre la ubicación del lugar en la historia de la tierra.

Language Emersion can improve your child’s chance to be admitted to an IB highschool. 

Sixth Grade

Reading Sample coming soon!

Language Emersion can improve your child’s chance to be admitted to an IB highschool. 

Seventh Grade

El agua subterránea representa una fracción importante de la masa de agua presente en los continentes, bajo la superficie de la tierra, tanto en el suelo como en el subsuelo.

Language Emersion can improve your child’s chance to be admitted to an IB highschool. 

Eighth Grade

Reading sample coming soon!

Language Emersion can improve your child’s chance to be admitted to an IB highschool. 

Language immersion is at the heart of the NMIS program.

Starting our program in kindergarten is ideal to increase the likelihood of becoming multilingual. The goal is to replicate the language learning process we all underwent as we learned our first language as toddlers.

Much language research suggests that the “ideal” time to learn a second language peaks about age 5-6, while other research says students 8-9 years of age may still succeed in an immersion program. However, all children learning a second language early in life have a much higher probability to speak that language with a native-like accent. In fact, by age 7, the ability to make certain phonemes of a language starts to diminish in our brains and continues to do so as we age. For this reason, we encourage registration in our program only in kindergarten and early first grade.

Grade Level Percent of Instruction in English Percent of Instruction in Spanish Percent of Instruction in Arabic
Kindergarten and First Grades 10-20% 80-90% 0
Second Grade 25-35% 65-75% 0
Third Grade 40-50% 50-60% 0
Fourth and Fifth Grades 40-50% 50-55% 5-10%
Sixth and up 50-60% 30-40% 5-10%