Family Handbook

We have all learned so much since our very first day of school in August of 2011. We have learned about our students, their families and ourselves. From this and many experiences between now and then we have found that some topics are commonly brought up and found it is easiest to cover them in one place for everyone to read and get consistent information from. Although there is lot of information included in this handbook, every possible scenario and situation cannot be thought of, so if you have any questions not discussed in here, feel free to ask me or your child’s teacher.
So that all NMIS family members will be familiar with the guidelines in the Family Handbook, we have made it accessible to all NMIS families on this website. Additions and changes may be made, so please check back periodically or as questions arise to stay familiar with the handbook. We encourage you to also cover the topics included in here with your children so that everyone is on the same page and they have a better understanding of the school they go to. We sincerely appreciate all of the support we get from our families.
Todd Knouse, Head of School