Traditional vs. Inquiry Approach

A Comparison of a Traditional Approach with an Inquiry Approach.

Traditional Approach | Inquiry Approach |
Teacher selection and direction | Student voice and choice |
Required topics and isolated facts | Questions and concepts |
Solitary work | Collaborative work |
Memorization | Strategic thinking |
As if/surrogate learning | Authentic investigations |
Student compliance | Student responsibility |
Student as information receiver | Student as knowledge creator |
Quiet and listening | Interaction and talk |
Teacher as expert and presenter | Teacher as model and coach |
One subject at a time | Cross and transdisciplinary studies |
Reliance on a textbook | Multiple sources and perspectives |
Verbal sources only | Multimodal learning |
Hearing about a discipline | Engaging in a discipline |
Extrinsic motivators | Real purpose and audience |
Forgetting and moving to the next unit | Caring, reflecting, and taking action |
Filling in bubbles and blanks | Performance and self-assessments |
Credit: International Baccalaureate Organization